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Products & Solutions

what we do

about us



We work with private as well as public sector clients, partners, donors and financiers on Turnkey hospital projects with state-of-the-art Cancer treatment solutions including the most sought after and advanced Proton Beam Therapy treatment

for Cancer Patients.


We work with various healthcare groups and manufacturers across the world in creating and running a global distribution and sales network for their products and services. Our group companies have exclusive distribution and marketing rights for some of the most advanced medical imaging and cancer treatment technologies developed

in the US and Europe.

A Crane Lifting a Container
Work Presentation



We provide advisory, planning, financing and project management support to a wide variety of stakeholders in the healthcare sector including Governments, hospitals groups, international financiers / donors on healthcare projects ranging from community health screening, diagnostic, imaging, advanced Radiotherapy & Radiosurgery solutions,

Proton therapy to AI focused

community health projects.


Would like to know more?

Woman Doctor

Our clinical and application specialists would be delighted to assist you in exploring how these products & solutions can help your establishment and patients.

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